Get ready to unlock practical tools and receive unwavering support to break free from People Pleasing habits and kick those limiting beliefs to the curb. It's time to boost your confidence and pave the way to living the life you've always dreamt of! Join us in the Expansion Club, where positive change begins.
Suffering from Ms. Nice Girl Syndrome?
Saying yes when you really mean no?
Feeling responsible for the feelings and needs of others?
You attract and put up with takers, bullies, narcissists, and other toxic relationships?
Being pushed and pulled in all the directions just to keep everyone happy?
✔ Steps to break-free from people-pleasing
✔ End self-deception about your unhappiness
✔ Recognize and set your boundaries effectively.
✔ How to stop putting yourself last
✔ Techniques for conflict resolution
✔ How to overcome guilt for saying NO
✔ Cultivate a strong sense of self worth
✔ How to prioritize self-care
✔ Overcome the fear of rejection
Because we want to make sure others are happy and ok - and if that means we are uncomfortable - we are ok with that. It’s what we are used to.
People-pleasers lie really well.
You’ll act happy, open, and tell others how great things are.
You’ll say you have a great family life and a job you love.
You lie to yourself too. (this is the hardest part)
Here’s the thing… It’s been a learned pattern. Don’t be so hard on yourself, together we can unlearn those patterns.
I started people pleasing at the young age of 6 years old. That’s a long time to practice putting others first and ignoring my own voice. This may sound incredibly familiar to you - and that’s good. It means you’re meant to be here.
Saying yes when you want to say no
is easier than facing an unhappy crowd demanding compliance, creating inner conflict about your identity and desires.
You are tired & overwhelmed from doing ALL the things
You might not realize it, but seeking others' approval can be suffocating, hiding your true self. You agree with others to fit in. Despite wanting to improve your life and business, fatigue is a constant.
You know you’re capable of more
Self-doubt hinders you. One part craves confident self-expression, while another part retreats, wanting to pull the covers over you head.
I started out in this life making sure everyone was happy, ok and taken care of around me.
Believe me when I say –
It’s exhausting.
All I wanted to do was make other people in my life happy. I’d dealt with a big loss by the time I was 6 so I learned very quickly to act certain ways to make sure nobody was upset or sad, no one would want to leave me again. I’d built my whole life around this idea that if I kept others happy, (specifically my dad) then nobody would be mad, I wouldn’t lose anyone else in my life. Until things came crashing down all around me. My dad died in a tragic car accident and the reality of how deep my co-dependent, people pleasing and external validation ran. My dad was the model with whom I watched and I patterned my life after. Zero Boundaries 101. Why did I work so hard to make sure he was never upset? Why did I seek so much external validation from him and those around me, including random strangers? He literally fell asleep at the wheel and died because he didn’t know how to say NO. He was mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically exhausted. There ensued the years following of the drunken, running away from the feels - shit show. I Hit My ROCK Bottom! I had an issue with consuming too much alcohol and pleasing people. I went on the road to recovery and tackled the first one. I was drinking to suppress the pain. Bottles of wine secretly consumed in the garage, alone, hiding the empties at the bottom of the garbage bin. Out on the town with the girls, drinking so much I don’t remember how I’d get home. I didn’t care about losing it all. My beautiful life with my kids and husband. My business. I just didn’t want to feel the pain of losing. One night, after a big Christmas party, drunk out of my mind on Limoncello, once we got home, I stumbled out of the van, fell into the garbage bins - I heard my youngest ask my husband “is mom ok?” I knew at that moment, I was far from ok. I knew I needed to get help for more than just my alcohol issue. The next morning I called a Therapist that I’d heard about, made an appointment - I wasn’t sure what that looked like, but I knew something had to be done because this path was not going to work. IT WAS TIME TO MAKE A CHANGE I sat across from Beth, my therapist and cried. I knew a change had to happen. I felt lost. Sad. Frustrated. Lonely. So lonely. The fear of losing another person in my life was ripping my heart out. Visceral making me ill. One day at a time it happened. I quit drinking for a full year. (to this day, when I drink a glass of wine, I always ask myself why I’m having it. 16 years later - alcohol can still be my suppressant/crutch if I’m highly in tune with myself) During my time of starting my healing, it got a million times worse. The sober train sucked. I was feeling EVERYTHING. And the alcohol may have taken a back seat but the People pleasing addiction ramped it’s way to front and center. Why do I keep saying YES, when I mean NO? Why do I crave others' approval so deeply? Why am I so bloody uncomfortable with other people being sad or upset? The answer came when Beth asked me this one question: “Krista, do you know who you are, and what you want?” I was always living for other people, trying to make them happy - just like I had my dad for all those years. Only now it seemed to have worsened. I was existing for everyone else. I lived for others. Slowly dying inside. My new addiction is people pleasing. Or rather the addiction that rose to the surface was glaringing clear. I had to say Goodbye to Ms. Nice Girl. I had to learn to be ok with others not liking me because I wasn’t agreeing with them anymore. No more door-mat. I had to learn to say Yes to myself. I had to learn how to detach myself from the outcome. I found this harder than quitting drinking. I read a lot of books, listened to podcasts, hired different coaches all about teaching me how to set boundaries. Most of them teach you how to set boundaries with others by communicating your needs to them . The thing is that boundaries are an INTERNAL job first then we move on to others. This is why I’m so incredibly excited to and my passion is sharing all the tools and wisdom on learning to repesect and honour yourself first. You must do the work around loving yourself, learning what you value in order to set boundaries you know you’re worthy of setting. IT'S AN INSIDE JOB FIRST.