Come celebrate with us on step 1 of MANY more to come
What started out as conversation on our plane ride home from Hawaii on our honeymoon, 28 years ago -
Has now turned into reality
“One day we’re gonna live by the ocean” “One day we’re going to own a bed & breakfast”
And we made “one day” happen
We just purchased our own piece of property in COSTA RICA
Anything is possible when you put your full heart & soul into it Release the need to control the outcome Patience, perseverance & trust Take massive action and step out in faith
DREAM BIG! Visualize, Write & Speak it into existence. That’s what @carmen_kokot did & I’m benefiting & supporting it all
Being married to a Generating Manifesting machine - I’ve seen first hand the endless possibles of what happens when the deep belief in yourself, and how you were created to operate in this world
Today we celebrate a huge step ….then we’ll keep celebrating & flowing with all the next steps that will unfold as we draw up plans, landscape, & build each home with gracious love, purpose, & intentionally
I’m stoked to share this part of our journey with you all….it’s been a tough year of adjustment for some of us (not Carm)
And this is a pretty awesome way to kick off 2023
LET’S GO Fee free to send all the positive vibes, juju & love our way through this process
Over the past year we’ve heard many many many mannnny different experiences of building here - great. Bad. Awesome. Ugly. Sad. Exciting.
…. We are now creating our own. Keep ya posted
Much Love,
Krista K xo