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Not everybody’s going to understand the changes

Writer's picture: Krista KokotKrista Kokot

Updated: Nov 10, 2023

Grab a coffee …. It's a Heart spill

After being a server/manager at numerous restaurants around Banff, Calgary and BC - I set the tray down and began my Hairstyling journey @ 21 years old for well over 10 years (I’ve never stopped actually )

after that, I tried my hand at an Insurance job (lasted 2 months), worked for a non profit organization in Calgary called BBFCK (brown bagging for Calgary's kids) - I enjoyed that job for two year however it was far too much city driving for this gal

I stumbled upon a wonderful job as an office admin for a Chiropractic clinic which I loved every moment of being there learning about the human body, inside and out - Ultimatly leading me to an underlying passion of mine...

Owning/Operating a Fitness boot camp for 6 years

(I LOVED the community of 300+ humans - and miss the energy there A lot)

a few 9-5 odd jobs (quickly learning I was not created to be a 9-5er)

ALL of those leading me to where my feet are planted today

Certified Lifecoach for the past 9 years & counting. Today, I love what I do.

We have to be willing to try different things in life in order to find out what fuels our soul

And be aware that what USED to give you a sense of purpose - can change and that’s OK

As we morph, change, deal, heal & grow — so does our desire for what we want in our life

Not everybody’s going to understand the changes that you make in your life, you will lose followers you will lose support you may get asked if you’re doing the right thing

You may be called things like flighty, indecisive, discontent, unsettled as I have been

and as someone who had people pleasing habits - Those can sting

And that’s when the deep learning of “it’s not their journey to understand” began for me ….

AND the best part of it all, You will have people show up for you that you didn't even know where out in this world.

in all reality you’re just trying to find what truly lights you up, to set you on fire wanna be alive in this world

At most of those stages, contentment and purpose was there… Until the desire to be more, to evolve past where I was, to learn more -

Repeat: Don’t be afraid to try different things in life - you never ever know where it’s going to lead you -

Look at each situation & circumstance as stepping stones leading exactly where you’re meant to be at the most divine time

If you’re Reading this and you’re wanting something different in your life, you’re feeling called for more than what you’re currently doing

I invite you to sit with that get still - allow yourself to marinate on the move that’s desired map out the changes that need to be made

And reach out for help if needed (my inbox is always open)

Much Love, Krista xo know you’re not alone

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